Borage Flower - Important For Treatment

Borage Flower
Borage Flower - Important For Treatment
Borage has been used for herbal curing since at least Roman times. In recent times, you may have known about its usefulness in treating the irritation associated with rheumatoid arthritis. It is an interesting aromatic plant with a lot going for it. 

Borage is most frequently sold as an intense oil to treat arthritis. Since here can be side effects like liver harm from using too much of it, you will see as many discouraging warnings about using borage oil as there are testimonials.

I have grown borage for its flowers. As an edible beautification, borage flowers are normally considered safe, but there may be some slight possible to cause allergic reactions. Borage flowers are frequently included in published lists of popular edible flowers. They are small, bright blue, star shaped blossoms that can be sugared & added to cookies, cakes & other desserts. They are also very pretty when frozen into ice cubes. 

It may sound silly, but if you have ever seen a drawing of a fanciful fairy & thought it looked delicately lovely, you will appreciate the petite appeal of borage blossoms. Attractive a dozen cupcakes for a birthday party, they are uniquely charming and worth the effort.

I have also used young borage leaves in salads. The leaves give salad a light cucumber flavor, & it does not take many to do the job. As borage matures, the plants become hairy, prickly & unappealing. 

Borage is a simple to grow annual that thrives in poor soil. It likes good light & regular watering, although it can live a dry spell if you mulch it well. Growing to a height of around 2 feet, borage is no beauty. It does not require staking, but the leaves do look floppy & hairy. It spreads out quite a bit too, so be convinced to give it a 3 foot space in your herb patch. Its one saving beauty in the garden is that it creates many clusters of startlingly blue flowers.


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