Pollination by bees

On each occasion when a bee collects nectar from a flower or nectar and pollen and moves to another to do the same acts performed one of the most important and beneficial to plants as it helps in the pollination of their flowers. Importantly, all the bee's body is covered with stiff hairs to which pollen adheres transporting it to another level, many have a certain feature about pollen and of itself provide grip to the bee. When its own initiative the bee gathers pollen and must fill the baskets on the legs with the ball being prepared, you need to do lots of flowers and that's when the role of pollination is done best when we also consider that only one species collected from thus there is a symbiosis between bee and plant very important.

Pollination in the flowers of plants equals intercourse between animal species, and if not done or done poorly in the fruits of this plant from defects and will be less.

The contribution that bees make is manifested as an interaction between plant and animal kingdom truly admirable, the plant seeks the support of the colonies and these for the simple fact help the plant collect this important function, calculated that a large percentage of crops and wild vegetation that directly benefit the survival of many species of plants depends largely on the pollination of insects in general and bees in particular.

By practice, I saw that the fruit through a network that is stripped of its flowers arrival of insects reduced the harvest to 2% would be expected, only the wind made the exchange of pollen .

Often being unsuitable weather conditions at the right time and taking into account that not all male and female flowers with fertilizing power at any given time are combined, it may happen that the drag of pollen by the wind carries the pollen out the place where it is needed and this case of fertilization in the same tree. The whole process is more difficult to achieve to be the flowers between two carriers several meters distant where the wind is even more uncertain, this is where the insects are the best vehicles.

The prevalence for pollination by bees in the most cultivated and wild species is because companies form very large number of individuals, where consumption among other elements of pollen and nectar is great for it being necessary to collect millions of flowers thus multiplying the effectiveness of the action.

Other insects also assist in this task but arguably its contribution is lower, in principle belong to groups of fewer members and often are content to get the daily food with a visit to the flowers is minor. However it has been seen that some plants were not visited them for the bees, then estimated benefit their work and provide for their maintenance must live with respect for their natural.

The estimated economic benefits of larger crops in the field by the action of bees is about fourteen times the total value of beekeeping from a farm, with some estimates more habitat for bees on pollination by the fields that for the same beekeeping.

Mishap happens and the beekeeper that not all stakeholders understand the importance of the events described and do not take into account the presence of bees or other insects when they come near to giving treatments of any entity in cultivated plants when they are just in bloom, which is detrimental to the pollination of plants and helps to remove bees would be the best natural ally in this case.

Respecting the days of the flowering period and always avoiding pre treatments and products postfloración more harmful to bees helps to avoid the massive carnage that ensues when they carry the contaminated pollen and nectar to the hive where it causes damage added the brood dies leaving many weak colonies.

The colonies for pollination of a crop should be part of the active colonies to secure work, a few very powerful colonies do the job better than several very medium whose consumption of pollen and nectar will be less in the same unit time. It takes five to ten colonies per hectare according to the appeal for them to have the crop, as quickly invade them pleasant flowers and in the few days of flowering pollination is perfect.

It may be that the bees prefer the wildflowers that crop in that case the only way to try to attract them would be to sprinkle some water Roan, these cases are truly exceptional and almost always arrive to the cultivation of bees necessary, you should keep in mind that not at all hours of the day a plant is able to offer nectar in abundance and as the bee gathers pollen almost always simultaneous with the nectar may prefer at any given time another plant, it should be an observation at different times of day and few days to make sure that happens. Pollination


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