Flowers are of great importance to the botanist who wishes to classify plants. Flowers among different plants vary much more than do the leaves, roots, and stems.
If plants of one species are planted under
different conditions, the flowers will be much alike although there may
be differences in the green parts.
A buckwheat plant grown in tap
water, for example, may grow only a few inches long, bear only two
small leaves, and one flower but that flower will be practically the
same as the flower produced on a large, normal plant.
If it were not for the flower, many plants
would be impossible to classify according to botanical type. The
details of how the flower is made and the parts arranged, therefore,
are important in grouping plants into families, and in subdividing
families into genera and species. In classification, color is not
important because it varies greatly. Ten plants of the common pansy may
be often different shades and colors. More important in classification
are the number of sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils, and how they
are united with one another. Some flowers have their parts arranged like
the spokes of a wheel so that the flower, cut along any diameter, is
divided into two equal halves. Such a flower is called regular.
Buttercups, anemones, tulips, and lilies are examples.
Others, such as the sweet pea, violet, pansy, and
snapdragon, have petals that vary in shape and size in the same
flower, and can be cut in only one direction to form two equal halves.
These are called irregular flowers. The arrangement of flowers, alone
or in different types of clusters, is also important. Some flowers—the
violet and the daffodil, for instance grows in solitary fashion with a
single blossom at the end of a stem. Others, such as the rambler rose
and the wild geranium, occur in loose clusters. Often, the individual
flowers branch off in a series from a main stem, as in the lily of the
valley. In some plants, such as wheat, the flowers are densely placed
around a central stem in a compact cluster called a spike. In other
plants, the flowers form a flat-topped, umbrella-shaped mass called an
umbel. This is the sort of cluster found in the wild carrot.
The most compact cluster of all is found in the family composite, which contains the daisies, asters, goldenrod, zinnias, calendulas, dandelions, and similar plants. Here, what appears to be a single flower is a whole crowd of tiny flowers packed tightly together and standing upright on a flat disk. In the dandelion, all these flowers are yellow. In the common daisy, the inner ones are yellow and outer ones called the ray Bowers are white. When you "pull petals off a daisy," you are really pulling apart a miniature bunch of flowers. This tight packing is a good method of insuring pollination for these flowers. A bee or a fly can hardly walk across one single daisy in full bloom without pollinating numbers of the flowers of which it is made.
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